5 Habits To Stay Organized

It is a lot easier to stay organized than to get organized when things are out of control.

But, with life getting busier and busier… who has time to be organized? The truth is, you can stay organized with just some small changes to what you’re already doing.

Follow these tips to keep your home organized with minimal effort!

Multi-task while you’re on the phone.  Whether you’re catching up on the phone with a parent, sibling, or friend or on hold with the bank, walk through your home and straighten up anything out of place while you’re on the phone. It won’t seem like work when your brain is pre-occupied.

If you want to keep something, make sure it has a place. Don’t let items pile up on the kitchen table or in the spare bedroom waiting to find their “home”. When you bring something new into the house, immediately find a place for it to go or be stored. If you don’t have the space for it—it has to go!

Tidy up right after dinner. Wipe the table and counters and put the dishes in the dishwasher right away. This will ensure you have a clean, organized kitchen to start the next day.

Sort the mail right when you bring it inside. Mail is one of the easiest things to get unorganized. After a long day of work, you pick up the mail on the way inside, but it’s so much easier to just throw it on a table and deal with it later. Say “No more!” to this mentality. It takes less than a minute to go through what is junk, bills, or cards from friends and family. Just get it done—you’ll thank yourself later.

Purge often. At least once a month, take some time to go through your house and look for any areas that seem cluttered or stress you out to be around. We love the Marie Kondo method. If an item brings you joy or happiness, keep it. Otherwise, it’s time to go.

Once you’ve gotten into a good place with keeping your home organized, the next step will be the perfect clean! Visit The Cleaning Authority today for a free online estimate.