How to Keep Outside Toys Clean

Summer is here!

Before your kids start spending their days playing with their favorite outdoor toys, be sure you have cleaned them and prepped for them to stay clean. Check out our tips below to clean and keep clean your kids’ favorite outdoor items.

Plastic Playhouse

Start by rinsing all surfaces of the playhouse. Mix even portions of dish detergent and vinegar into a spray bottle, and spray all surfaces with the mixture. Use a car wash mitt to scrub. Then, rinse thoroughly and let dry.


A key to keeping a sandbox mildew and mold free is to keep the sand dry. Be sure to cover your sandbox when it is not in use. When in use, turn the sand often to be sure the layers of sand are exposed to the sun.

Kiddie Pool

Place a bucket of water next to the clean pool for kids to rinse their feet in before stepping in the pool. It’ll save you a lot of trouble draining and refilling the pool.

Wooden Swing Set

Start by spraying the swing set down with water. Use a brush with soft bristles and gentle soap, so you don’t damage the wood and brush in a circular motion. Rinse, and let dry before play.

Even though summer is spent outside, don’t forget the inside of the house! Enjoy your summer and let the professional house cleaners at The Cleaning Authority clean for you. Visit us today for a free online estimate.