
Get Clean Cabinets - No Matter the Style

Cabinets add function to rooms like kitchens and bathrooms, but they’re also surfaces that handprints, stains, and dirt can cling to. Not only are dirty surfaces unattractive, but they may quickly become vectors for germs. In the kitchen or the bathroom, it’s critical that you work to keep germs at bay on cabinet surfaces. So, we’re sharing the best and easiest way to keep your cabinets clean.

How to Clean Cabinets

Cabinets in your kitchen are prone to splashes, drips, and other messes that may cause staining. Sadly, we’ll never be able to fully eliminate messes from our kitchens (especially with kids and pets). Though, you can reduce the chance of staining by moving quickly. Wipe up any spills, grease, or other messes as soon as possible. The longer they stay, the harder you’ll work to remove any stains.

Before we get into the specifics of individual cabinet styles, let’s discuss the general principles and tools you’ll need:

  1. Remove Dust First: Dust can create an abrasive surface that leads to scratching.
  2. Use Soft Rags and Brushes: Whether you have wood with stain or a painted cabinet, coarse brushes can scratch and chip the surface. Some surfaces will be more durable, but in most cases, you’ll want to choose softer options for cleaning products.
  3. Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Bleach and other strong cleaners can cause stains, discoloration, and even structural integrity loss in wood.
  4. Don’t Forget the Details: Remember to apply your cleaning solution to any designs or hardware. Your knobs, in particular, need attention as they will collect natural oils, dirt, and bacteria due to being touched so often. Because most hinges and knobs can be screwed on and off, you can even remove the hardware to make sure you clean them properly.
  5. Vacuum and Wipe the Interiors: You can’t say you have truly clean cabinets if you only focus on the outside. Use a hose extension tool from your vacuum to suck up any crumbs and debris. Then wipe the inside of the cabinets down with a damp cloth.
  6. Use a Towel for Drying: Your last step should be to dry up any wetness or moisture from your cleaning process.

Clean Your Painted Cabinets the Right Way

Most painted cabinets use gloss (high or semi) instead of matte paint like your walls probably have. This will give them a more durable coating, but they aren’t impervious to damage.

Because coarse brushes and heavy cleaners can remove the paint, the best way to clean painted cabinets is by using a gentler combination of dish soap and warm water. This mix will provide cleaning and stain-fighting power without damaging the paint. Let the solution sit for a few minutes before wiping it off with a damp cloth; the softer, the better to avoid scratching.

White cabinets will show dirt, dust, and messes more than other types of cabinets, and you’ll want to make sure you clean them properly. The best way to clean white cabinets is to wipe them regularly. A warm cloth with water will help remove a lot of surface-level messes like dust and splashes. For a deeper clean, you can use a combination of dish soap and warm water as recommended for other painted cabinets. The most important factor to consider is time, as a set stain on a white surface will be far more noticeable.

Best Way to Clean Wood Cabinets

Exposed wood can absorb liquid cleaners. Luckily, most of the cabinets in your home will be stained or have some other kind of protective coating, which is why you’ll want to avoid using rags or brushes that can scratch and chip through this layer. It would be best if you didn’t let any cleaner sit too long on your wooden cabinets. Once you’re done wiping off any stains, immediately dry off any remaining water or cleaner.

If you’re trying a new spray or cleaning mixture, spot test on a less visible area to ensure it does not stain.

How to Clean Your Glass Cabinet Doors

Fingerprints, dust, and crumbs stick to glass, but they can be cleaned off with a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar or water and dish soap, whichever you prefer. Glass cabinet doors can be less forgiving than wood. Even though glass isn’t soft, that doesn’t mean that it lacks all absorption properties, and certain cleaners can lead to a cloudy stain if left too long. Not all cabinet doors require tempered glass, meaning that if you press too hard, your glass could break. You also can see chips and scratches if you’re not careful.

Floating Cabinet Cleaning Tips

For floating cabinets, you’ll also need to consider the top when cleaning. Avoid storing or displaying items on the tops of your shelves to help reduce dust collection. Always use a step stool or an extendable dusting tool when cleaning a floating cabinet. Standing on countertops, chairs, and other items to reach these surfaces isn’t safe. When cleaning the top of a cabinet, proper drying becomes even more crucial as pooled moisture can create problems and long-term damage.

For Additional Cleaning Needs, Contact The Cleaning Authority

Your kitchen or bathroom cabinets are just the tip of the iceberg! The cleanliness of these lived-in spaces is critical to our health and comfort. For all your home cleaning needs, rely on the team at your local The Cleaning Authority. Request a free estimate online or call (888) 658-0659 today.