How to Remove Five Stubborn Stains

Finding a stain on your clothes or carpet can be the worst feeling. The immediate questions of “When?”, “How?”, and “Will I ever get this stain out?” fill your brain. You may be quick to throw out that garment or move furniture to cover that stain, but sometimes removing stubborn stains can be easier than you think!

Check out our list below of how to easily remove five stubborn stains.

  1. Pet Mess – Accidents happen. When your four-legged friend makes a mess on your carpet, sprinkle baking soda over the area. Then, use a solution of equal parts vinegar and water to spray the area down. Vacuum over the area once it has dried.
  2. Ink – We’ve all seen the black lines from our favorite pen make their way onto our clothes at least once or twice. Soak the stain in rubbing alcohol before washing your shirt to get it clean.
  3. Pasta Sauce – Did you miss your mouth and now there’s pasta sauce on the carpet? Start by using a clean cloth soaked in cold water and blot the stain, from the outside in. Then, grab a slice of lemon and rub it into the stain. Once the stain appears to be mostly gone, pour a generous amount of water to cover the area, and then blot it with a clean cloth. Once the area is dry, the stain should be gone.
  4. Make Up – Getting foundation on the collar of your favorite white shirt is the worst! Pretreating the stain with shaving cream before you put it in the washer will get the stain right out. It will help to get through the oil in the product.
  5. Coffee – Maybe mornings aren’t your thing, and you’re prone to spilling your coffee until you have enough caffeine is in your system. Create a mixture of 3 tbsp. dish soap, 1 tbsp. vinegar, and 2 cups water. Dip a clean cloth in the solution and start by blotting at the outside of the stain, working your way into the center. Blot the area with cold water, and then dry with a paper towel.

Once you’ve got all of these stains taken care of, the last thing you’ll want to do is keep cleaning your home. Let the professionals do it for you! Visit The Cleaning Authority today for a free online estimate.