How To Keep Your Desk Clean All Year Long

January 11 is National Clean Your Desk Day! Use these tips to not only get a clean desk, but keep it clean as well.

Why is it important to live and work in a clean space?

Clutter Creates Chaos. When your living and work spaces are cluttered, you can be distracted by the chaos around you. A clutter-free environment allows you to better focus on your work and can improve your productivity.

Start by sorting your papers and projects into three piles:

  1. In Progress
  2. Completed and Keep
  3. Completed and Trash (Secure Recycle)

Desk Organization Tips

For the pile “In Progress”:
Keep organized trays on your desk to store the papers and projects currently in progress so you can easily find and access them when needed. It looks much better when your boss stops in your office to ask you a question, and you know right away where to find the information, instead of shuffling through everything on your desk while they wait for you.

For the pile “Completed and Keep”:
These should be filed away in a filing cabinet or by using hanging folders in your desk drawers. Make sure everything is labeled so you can easily find it if you ever need to, but when you don't they are kept out of the way.

For the pile “Completed and Trash”:
Always recycle when it’s an option, but don’t be afraid to get rid of unnecessary paperwork. No need to keep excess clutter around.

Once your space is organized and clear of clutter, wipe it down and dust everything using microfiber cloths for a clean and healthier work space. Then, at the end of every work day, put everything away either in the tray or filed away so you come in the next day with a clean and clutter free work space that will allow you to be better focused, relaxed, and more productive.