Five Ways To Keep Your House Cool During The Summer Heat

Summer will be here before you know it, and with it will also come the summer heat! Don’t make your house feel like a sauna trying to save on your energy bill. Follow these tips instead, and keep your house cool during the summer heat.


1) Use a dehumidifier in the house. Humidity makes hot air feel even hotter. Using a dehumidifier takes the humidity out of the air, making the temperature feel more accurate. High humidity can damage electronics and technology, and in worst cases cause mold, dripping pipes, and other damage to the house. A dehumidifier also provide relief to those with allergies and asthma.

Temp Control

2) Install a programmable thermostat. According to Consumer Reports, programmable thermostats can trim about $180 a year from your energy bill by automatically raising or lowering the temperature in your house, depending on the schedule you set. You can set weekdays to a higher temperature when no one is home, and automatically kick on to lower the temperature before you arrive.

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Leaky Ducts

3) Seal your ducts. Leaky ducts account for 25% of cooling costs in an average home. Signs of air duct leaks include:

  • Hot or cool spots in your home
  • Dusty rooms after you turn on your HVAC system
  • High utility bills

It does not matter how energy efficient your HVAC system is if the heated or cooled air isn’t properly transported around your home due to leaks in your air ducts.

Natural Shade

4) Plant a tree for shade. Strategically plant a tree that will grow to provide natural shading for your windows. Not only will they provide shade, but trees also cool and moisten the air through a process called evapotranspiration.

Heat Source

5) Don’t add to the heat inside. Try doing chores that use heat generating appliances, like doing laundry, using the dishwasher, or the stove, in the early mornings or evenings when it’s cooler outside. When possible use alternatives like cooking outside on the grill or using the toaster oven instead of the stovetop oven. Hang wet clothes on a clothesline instead of using the dryer. Computers can also generate a lot of heat if left running. Be sure to turn them off whenever they are not being used.

Follow these tips to have a cool, comfortable summer so you can enjoy your home without the high utility expense.

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